Celebrities have been known to wear strange dresses on the red carpet event and other award shows. Most of the time, these dresses bind the spectator in awe. But the rest of the time, it creates such an awkward appearance, you just can’t stop talking about it. The netizens then troll the artists in various ways.
9-year old Riley is one such young troll who has an Instagram account which goes by the name of Riley Diary. She emulates the appearance of such stars who wear such atrocious dresses. Her take on the dress and situation is such, you will drop on the floor laughing and mind it, you will get a belly ache from the humour. It is that good.
So, let the action begin –
1. Emma Stone And Her Waffle Dress

At the 2019 Oscars, Emma Stone was seen donning a Louis Vuitton outfit that resembled waffles dipped in Maple Syrup. Riley dressed up the way she felt the dress looked and taped waffles to her outfit. She even captioned the photograph as, “You are what you eat.”
2. Lil Pump And His Stringy Braids

Lil Pump is a classy rapper with unorthodox looks. His appearance is quite uncommon. He has got braided hair which has highlighted streaks on them. His forehead has some miniature tattoo as well. Riley recreated the look with some material available at home.